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  • Color Rules Spring. Get With it.

     Spring Cleaning and Daylight Savings. Spring is a new day! Its a launch into Newness. This doesn’t only apply to your home and your clock, but it applies to your closet too! Being a Torontonian, Winter means Black and Grey, period. Of course, Black and Grey have their place, but believe me, embracing some clothing…

  • VERRA Cool: Seeing PLAID

    We are going MAD-CRAZY for Emma Watson right now. She seems to be on the fashion ball the way Rihanna was a 2 yrs ago. It’s like she can do no wrong! We’d like to steal her her look below. You can trust this will inspire a ‘My Closet’ look verra soon. Emma Watson attended…

  • Famous Closet: Shenae Grimes

    The historic Canadian tv show, Degrassi, set-up Shenae Grimes for stardom and like true highschool graduation, Grimes moved on to Californa, postal code 90210. She really is a Next Generation girl. Still quite young, we figure Grimes has an interesting career path ahead of her. Already a star of 2 highly popular tv shows, Shenae…