Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes: Beyonce
Queen B, Mrs. Carter, Beyonce! She is known around the world for her chart topping hits like Single Ladies, If I Were a Boy, Sugar Mama, and the list goes on. Yesterday morning while eating breakfast, I was browsing through my instagram feed and noticed the blonde-locked star was rocking a cute crop cut. The out-pour of opinions started to weigh in and of course we had to do the same. Carcia and I have always said we wanted to see Bey do something different and change her look like Madonna and Janet Jackson have always done. Bey must have heard our conversations over the years cause she did just that. We like it! You can see her face! Of course, with a pack of hair and a needle, she will be back to long locks, so there is no telling as to how long she will keep the look but we give her two thumbs up for changing up the game.
So don’t be shy. Weigh in! Do you love Bey’s hair chop? Or do you want her to bring back that long blond ambition?

Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
By Carcia & Telly