FIELD TRIP Music & Arts 2015: Pictures
We took in the sights and sounds of FIELD TRIP 2015 this month with high school mates who too enjoy music. The fact is, the four of us were all dedicated musical students involved in the band, drama and music activities, so it was nice listening to music with others that appreciate music as much as we do.
What makes this music festival so unique is the freedom to bring your kids and really make it a family focused festival. People from all background descended upon Fort York in Toronto to see the likes of Alabama Shakes, Sharon & Bram, De La Soul, The Bell Game, The War On Drugs, From Jamaica to Toronto and more. This is a great festival to watch for next year. The mix of music was amazing and for the kiddies, there is so much to do including hula-hopping and day camp activities. Technically, we weren’t working this festival. It was a weekend off for us so we weren’t taking mad pictures. We have to thank PALLADIUM BOOTS for the complimentary tickets! See the few images we did take below and as always, follow Telly (@tellyhercastle) and I (@carciahercastle) on Instagram so you can see what we’re up to when we’re not sitting around our computers blogging.
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly