Got Us Dancing: Garnier & Just Dance 2014
What: Garnier Fructis sponsored a smashing dance party in downtown Toronto, celebrating the release of Just Dance Wii! Safe and Sound hit makers Capital Cities played a live concert and guests could try out the Just Dance game, which was too much fun! Down With Webster, Karl Wolf and MTV personality Phoebe Dykstra were also present. We enjoyed the photobooth, the game itself, and danced the night away to live Capital Cities. Garnier also had a fully equipped styling station for guests! If you follow us on Instagram you would see our fun photos. @carciahercastle & @tellyhercastle
We had to try Just Dance Wii ourselves. We got through the entire dance of Rihanna’s Were Have You Been. We rock.
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly

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