Musically Crushing: TAME IMPALA ‘Cause I’m A Man’
Name: Tame Impala (@tameimpala)
Song we’re crushing on: Casue I’m a Man
Why should you care: To be honest, the song is too cool to just push aside. Very 70’s sounding but still very modern, We wonder if Prince had anything to do with this cause it sounds like a song he would of done. Its slow, so for all my dancealohics, you wont be able to really get down, but it’s nice to escape. The music is so hypnotic and free flowing; you can close your eyes and drift off to your own utopia and peaceful bliss. The best part is that the lyrics are as beautiful as the music. It seems that the guy is in deep trouble with his girlfriend/wife and she’s demanding an answer for his actions. Not being able to beat around the bush he just flat out says “Cause I’m a Man”. Being so indulged with music and songwriting, I have to say the song was beautifully written. Its straight forward and to the point; It’s about a man telling the truth, that’s all. As for the video, its interesting, kinda reminds me of an early version of screen savers for your computer. Anyway, watch for yourself and tell us what you think. If you have a chance go head and read the lyrics.

Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly