Extra! Extra!: Telly’s Eye Lash Extension Experience
I never thought about getting eyelash extensions.
I would glue on lashes for special occasions, but for the most part, I was satisfied with what God gave me: Thick, Curly, black eyelashes. A few coats of mascara and eyeliner and I was set. One day, our blogging buddy and eyelash beautician, JJ Cowan of Sfygf.com asked us if we wanted us to try her service and pamper us with some extra lash length. Of course we jumped at it!
I’ll be honest. I started freaking out about the procedure while walking over to JJ’s space! Carcia said I was overacting, and she was right. Once JJ told me what was involved, I was as cool as a cucumber. For those who don’t know, black hair is VERRA thick and course, so JJ could have spent a day gluing on lashes if I wanted a dramatic Kim Kardashian lash look. Lying on my back, JJ went through each lash, adding the extensions while I drifted in and out of sleep. The result was natural, LONG lashes. For a few days, I stayed away from eyeliner and mascara to keep the extensions clean and free from oils. Being a huge eye makeup lover I eventually went back to the routine of mascara and such, but the look, even naturally with no make-up, was amazing! I will totally get it done again, especially if I’m going away on vaca where I don’t want to worry about makeup application.