Introducing ItsMFL’s Beauty Guru Wendy Crystal!
We were so excited to start our Beauty section for this year! We love makeup but we didn’t feel comfortable running a beauty section without professional input! We introduced you to our Beauty Insider Victoria Fedosoff, and now we are proud to welcome Wendy Crystal, founder of Inspire Cosmetics, Ford Agency Model, and entrepreneur. Wendy will be our monthly Beauty Guru taking your questions on Beauty & Beauty Image.
Wendy’s line, Inspire Cosmetics, is the official cosmetics line of the Argo Cheerleaders, Planet Africa Awards, and to industry party’s such as Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF) celebrity make up ! Wendy & her team get the celebs red carpet ready!
Wendy had this to say! “I am going to give you the insiders secrets to the hottest celebrity looks and how to re-create them. What are the hottest colors and how to wear them, The do’s and don’t s of application, and when and where to look your best. Stay tuned for these and many more great beauty articles to help you Desire to Inspire! I will be posting how to videos along side some of my great tips and tricks of the industry! I am your Beauty Guru! Please email me any questions you have in regards to your beauty on the inside and out!“
Now it’s all up to you ItsMFL readers! Send us your Beauty Questions today and watch for the answers here on! EMAIL Us, [email protected], visit our CONTACT US page! Wendy has made a video just for you, so take look below!
Wendy Crystal Is ItsMFL New Beauty Guru! (video)