3Shahs Presents Pura Vida Resort SS14 with [Free-them]
Who: 3Shahs Jewewlry and [Free-them], an initiative dedicated to raising awareness and funds to abolish global human trafficking.
What: The Business and the Charity came together to host guests to a night of Fashion and Information, Pura Vida Resort SS Collection, at Everleigh on King Street West. 3Shahs founder, Shah Emily Noaman explained her inspiration for her latest collection which was previewed through a lively fashion show. She said the flowers of tropic Costa Rica inspired the collection. Proceeds from the event went to [Free-them], and founder Shae Invidiata was there to express her her gratitude to guests for attending. What followed was a fun fashion show with smiling, dancing models (need to see that more) wearing multi-layered 3Shahs jewelry perfect for a walk across the beach.
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly

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