Countdown to FAT! Images & Video
This year, |FAT| Arts & Fashion Week promises to be even more innovative featuring the best up and coming Designers, Artists and Musicians and it all goes down next week. To make the wait more interesting FAT has released a rad video starring our friend Myles Sexton who will also be showing his label M.Sexton over the FAT week! Check this out!
An independent production by producer Shawn Venasse (The Savage Film Company) and writer/director Zenon Turczyn (Zen Artists), in collaboration with |FAT| creator, Vanja Vasic.
Images By Jason Hargrove
Visit FAT online here to grab your tickets! It will be totally worth your while! Tweet about it with #FAT2013!
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
By Carcia & Telly

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