Fashion with the Earth in Mind!
Give the Earth a hug and check out these cool finds below that are conscious of the Earth and how to protect it. Also, make a shopping trip this week and visit your favorite vintage or consignment store and shop Gently Used! Vintage shopping is a great way to reduce waste by recycling clothes. That’s just one Eco-tip from us! But your Earth safe search can start online by visiting the following brands.
Henkaa offers some of the most beautiful multi-convertible dresses like this one!
Another fun eco-find! Manitobah Mukluks
One of the most beautiful faces in nature? The Face of the Panda! Get T’s like these at The Mountain.
Looptworks keeps your ipad safe & sound in this funky case.
In what ways do you plan on celebrating your love for our planet? Let us know below!
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly