Overalls for Grown Girls? It Can Be Done
Turban- Your Local Beauty Store Near you, White T – The Gap (similar here), Overalls – Bluenotes (similar here), Shoes – John Fluevogs Defenders
Even if we didn’t want it, Overalls were the come-back kid of the Fashion Must Have list. Before this successful year, Overalls were reserved for children and farmers. Here, I do my best to own these overalls by pairing them with a simple White T, a turban and chunky boots. So why does this look work? When it comes to Overalls it all comes down to fit meaning, not too baggy, but not tight either. Once you achieve the right fit, you must master the accessories that will make this look suit you! The mature woman. I prefer chunky boots like these John Fluevog Defenders, but you could easily switch the boots our for a nice black pump, and tousle your hair for a sexy look. If you don’t like to play with your look, denim overalls may not be your thing, but if you’re looking for new, funky ways to wear denim, this look is for you!
Want to learn more about how to bring more edge to your casual look? Check out our Personal Styling Services and contact us soon!
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly

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