What I Wore: Bo-Ho Flow
What I Wore: Hat – H&M (Similar here), Dress- H&M (Similar here), Chain Ring Bracelet – Fanaberie (Similar here)
Happy New Year Everyone! How exciting to start a new year. There is always something refreshing about a new start. As much as we are enjoying the winter, we are looking forward to spring so we can shed the thick winter coats and heavy winter boots. Here, I’m wearing a great dress I grabbed on Boxing Day from H&M. This dress would be great for covering up the swimming suit, or for dancing when on a tropical vacation. My Chain Ring Bracelet is from Fanaberie, a fab boutique in Williamsburg, New York. Probably one of my favorite 2013 purchases.
Did you grab any cool Boxing Day items? Tell me about it in Comments below!
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly