Fashion Trend: The Graphic Tee
Rihanna wears a printed sweater by Unique (similar here) For the haters, graphic shirts won’t be leaving us anytime soon! If you are a regular reader, you will know Telly and I enjoy music graphic tees for casual dress, because, let’s be honest! You can’t be a perfect vision of fashion goodness all the time.…
Cover It: Liz Taylor on VOGUE 1965
Elizabeth Taylor, VOGUE Paris, April 1965. source We have a soft spot for MOD. How could you not? The simplicity and mystery is all there. We are so fascinated with Elizabeth Taylor‘s face here. Beyond the dark, jet black hair we have a matte face, dark thick brows, perfectly outlined eyes with enough mascara and…
Inspiration Is: Elizabeth Taylor
It was all in her lovely violet eyes. A child actress & silver screen legend, Elizabeth Taylor will never be forgotten. Regardless of her personal life, (it could read like a film she appeared in), her love of fashion & accessories (accessories meaning jewelry & perfume) fascinated and inspired us. source source source source source…