Duran Duran’s John Talyor’s Encounter with HerCastleGirls
We’ve always had a thing for retro 80s music. Its just a part of who we are and to be honest, without the 1980s popstars and rockstars, this blog probably wouldn’t have seen the light of day. Music from that decade set a foundation for us to obsess over culture. It was the rockstar that turned us on to fashion in the first place. You can only imagine our excitement when we heard Duran Duran‘s John Taylor would be making an appearance right here in Toronto, signing copies of his book, In The Pleasure Groove: Love, Death, and Duran Duran. First of all, you must understand, Duran Duran is like, one of our FAV bands (Spoken in the best valley girl accent we can muster). We have geeky love for Duran Duran Music and Fashion, meaning we could sit around all day talking about how fabulous they are. This summer, we got tickets to see them for Carcia’s Birthday, but keyboardist Nick Rhodes fell ill which resulted in a canceled concert and disappointed Canadians, BUT John Taylor came through with a live interview, reading AND signing! We’ve got pictures & video for you! A huge THANKS to Indigo Books for having an organized book signing.

The Encounter Went Something Like This…
John gets our books which already have our names written on sticky-notes.
John: Car-ci-a?
Shocking! He said ‘Carcia’ properly. This is rare.
Carcia: Yes?
Carcia & Telly: HI JT!!!
John: HI! (Trying to match our enthusiasm). I’m having T-shirt envy right now!
Telly is wearing another FAV of ours and John Taylor’s on a t-shirt, Mr. David Bowie and I’m a total fan girl in a Duran Duran t-shirt.
Telly: Loving your T-shirt too!
John changed into a black & pink t-shirt with some cool graphic across the chest.
Carcia: John, we want to thank you and your band mates for keeping the band together so us younger fans can enjoy your music now and see you play live. We are not part of the MTV generation.
John: Awww, Thank you. That means a lot.
John is smiling through this entire chat.
Telly: John you are the reason why I started playing bass. Carcia plays keyboards and I play Bass guitar! So basically, we are the Black Girl versions of you and Nick Rhodes!!
John: Now THAT is interesting! (Laughing Out Loud now) Do you girls play together?
Carcia & Telly: Sometimes.
After this, we really don’t remember what else was said, but we had so much fun! When you can, get out there and meet your musical or fashion inspirations. We are almost done the book, so we’ll let you know our thoughts soon! Find more images of our encounter on our FACEBOOK page!

Have you ever stood in line waiting for a Rock Star or Celebrity? Tell us about it!