The Hazelton Hotel, Yorkville
Walking randomly through Yorkville on a Saturday on a shopping trip seemed worth it when Bono walked out of his hotel to greet minions of fans. In his usual Bono fashion, he was sweet and signed random stuff we presented to him. I was fascinated with his glass wear….. credit: HerCastleGirls |
Bono signed Telly’s Toronto Star with an article on U2’s performance in Toronto some months ago. He then proceeded to unfold the paper and read it and asked her where she got it and the name of the paper. Telly had Achtung Baby & this newspaper on her in hopes that it would channel the universe for us to bump into Bono again. Its worked! Try it kids. Bono did give the newspaper back slowly….I think he wanted it for himself. |
Just before I snapped this image, Bono signed our Achtung Baby CD (already signed by The Edge) and stared at my awesome red floppy hat. I then said, “God Bless you Bono. For everything.” He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze and said, “Thank you. you too”. A blessing from a rock and roll icon. |