Quick 5 with Josh Ramsay of Marianas Trench
We’ve got a treat for you! Josh Ramsay, lead vocalist of Marianas Trench answered 5 of our questions. Get to know his thoughts on travel, Netflix and what to play on repeat for Marianas Trench latest release, Astoria.
If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?
North Korea. Because people would say, “He could’ve gone anywhere, and he went with that?” Always keep people on their toes.
When it comes to Netflix, What have you been binging on recently?
Jessica Jones. Bad ass chick with superpowers getting all liquored up and punching her way outta jams? My kinda girl.
Superman or Batman? and Why?
To be? Well superman for all the stuff he can do. But I look shit in glasses, however I look awesome in rad cars, and Batman is infinitely cooler, obviously.
Would you prefer to be smart or happy, and why?
How wide is this spectrum here? Like, am I a miserable genius in this scenario, who can never relate to anyone because he’s just too advanced to be able to form any sort of connection with the lower life forms that make up the rest of mankind? And what’s the other option then? Am I some giggling simpleton who sits around eating crayons and laughing the day away while people keep me away from scissors by distracting me with various shiny objects? These both sound pretty bleak.
In regards to “Astoria”, which track should we have on repeat right now?
End of An Era. Because it’s the last track on the record, and if you got there, then you’ve listened to the whole album right through, as intended.

Isn’t Josh hilarious? Visit Marianas Trench online.