Treat Yo’ Self! Spa Week
For the first time, Spa Week came to Toronto, Canada, showing us how we should treat ourselves. We visited the WaySpa to celebrate the beginning of Spa Week, where you can walk into any participating spa across the GTA and get a spa treatment or service for $50! We already made our appointment! If you rush over to this site, you can find out which spas are participating and get your $50 spa treatment. Check out our little adventure at WaySpa.
Featuring… Crystal LightGreat way to enjoy a party! Being pampered by some of the best, including Dove Spa.
Telly at work! Sure we were relaxed, but its our job to tweet and share with you, even during a manicure.
Relaxation & Friends! Nicole Wilson (, far left), photographer Aleyah Solomon, and me Carcia ‘HerCastleGirl’.
Written By Carcia Campbell
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
By Carcia & Telly

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