Beyonce Half Time! Live Tweet & our Thoughts TONITE!
Like the majority of the population, we are too excited about Beyonce‘s half-time show tonight during the Super Bowl! We are going to be doing something fun to make the Super Bowl even MORE exciting. Tonight we’re going to post our thoughts on Bey‘s half-time performance as quickly as possible, and during her performance we will be live tweeting the show! Beyonce is one of the hardest working pop stars in recent history. Her work ethic is reminiscent of Michael Jackson or Madonna (who both made historical Super Bowl half-time performances in the past). Take a gander at Bey’s rehearsal videos below.
We want to see…
Crazy In Love (with a Jay-Z cameo)
Destiny’s Child sing the girl power anthem Independent Women and their new track, Temptation!
The coolest, beaded, crystal embellished outfits on Beyonce with killer heels to match her creative dance moves.
She better do Single Ladies too…
Follow us on twitter @her_castle and watch our tweets with the hastags, #beyoncehalftime and #pepsi to join in!
In collaboration with Pepsi