Inspiration Is: Priscilla Presley
She was the girl that captured the heart of Army-man Elvis Presley. A 14 year old Priscilla Ann Wagner met the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis, in Germany September 13, 1959 and that would be the beginning of one of the most interesting pop culture marriages of all time. Priscilla Presley was loved and hated, for stealing the heart of the KING, getting married at the Aladdin Hotel in Viva Las Vegas! Although their marriage ended in divorce, Priscilla had fallen for her karate instructor (I’m not even joking), Priscilla Presley has never lost the tie to Elvis, baring his only child, Lisa Marie Presley. She later became an actress, and an advocate for Graceland, her former home, but what we remember most about Priscilla was that beehive, the bright clothes and heavy eyeliner! Lana Del Ray, Katy Perry and Amy Winehouse, have all picked up a bit of fashion and beauty inspiration from the Rock and Roll wifey.
Her Hair was just OUTRAGEOUS!!
Love for the King. Elvis Priscilla really got more outrageous as she immersed herself into the Rock and Roll Lifestyle. She hardened her soft features with dramatic make-up and colored her hair jet black. The rumor is Elvis wanted her to look like a female version of himself, so eyeliner, dark, styled hair made sense.
Pretty in pink! Us HerCastleGirls don’t wear a lot of pink, but the color really is powerful! Great color for Priscilla.
Details make an outfit special. Here, a simple, but huge bow, really makes this retro look fly. Check out her shoes! You could find something along the same lines here and here.
Thick black hair to go with that thick black eye liner and mascara.
A Presley Portrait. Its 1969 and Priscilla is doing light and dark purple. Pirate sleeves and a tad lighter on the hair color too.