The Great Search! Representing EDIT by Jeanne Beker
We were delighted to be invited to a special taping of the Marilyn Denis Show, where the Top 10 finalists of the EDIT By Jeanne Beker Model Search gathered for a meet and greet with media, and to their surprise, Jeanne Beker! Camera’s were rolling as we spoke with each contestant, getting an idea of their stories and what they could bring to the EDIT By Jeanne Beker brand. We also had the opportunity to chat with Jeanne about certain pieces in the collection and her eyewear collection with FYSH UK. It will be a tough to choose just one brand ambassador for the brand. Within this group of ladies lies GREAT talents and determination. We met an opera singer, a former broadcaster mom who worked on the set of Titanic, an author, a woman who works 3 jobs and more! The ladies range in age, look and style, but they were all stars in their own right. The piece will air Friday, January 18th on the Marilyn Denis Show!