What I Wore: Leather Pencil Skirt
What I Wore: Turtle Neck – The Gap (Similar here), Leather Skirt – Urban Planet (Similar here), Purse – H&M (Similar here)
When I go shopping, I usually come home with at least ONE leather item. Whether Vegan or real, leather isn’t going anywhere so continue to flash those finds. This pencil skirt is one of my favorite leather items, just because its the best Vegan leather I’ve ever worn. Speaking as a curvy girl, finding leather skirts that fit right can be a challenge. This skirt hugs in the right places and feels great! When you wear such a strong statement item like this, you only need to work your Shoe power and pair it all with a black turtleneck.
Are you a fan of the leather pencil skirt? Let me know in the Comments section below!
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly

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