World Mastcard Fashion Week: Backstage Action
What: The backstage area of World Mastercard Fashion Week.
Why: Sure the runway shows are lovely, but nothing really beats the action and drama of the product around fashion shows. We spoke with Lead Redken stylist Jorge Joao who gave us insight on the look for Spring Summer 2014. Candid images and Jorge’s words below.
Jorge on Hair Length trends– I think it’s short or long. The Bob cut was huge, and it was and is a great style, but it was so strong that people wanted a change. Women cut their hair short or they put in extensions to get the longer look. So you see one extreme or the other. Short, you can get very creative and try different things. Long is still here, you see pieces of hair framing the face, middle parts, side parts, and I think its all about creative ways of tying up your hair. People are being adventurous with how they create a chignon or even splitting their hair into two and intertwining each piece with the other. Its almost like a Japanese, Geisha look. Clean and slick lines. Its funny to see how, what I call, the Struggle Bun, become a trend that women wear to the office when it was originally meant for the girl just getting out of bed.
Stilettos & Rock n Roll,
Carcia & Telly

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