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  • Trailer Reaction | Monsters: The Lyle & Erik Menendez Story Trailer

    It was a true crime story that shook the planet…

  • The Dynasty Unveiled: Patriots Docu-Series Trailer Reaction

    The Patriots discuss they’re dynasty. The good, the bad and the ugly….

  • RunWay Renee Thompson Hosts: Screen & Shop!

    International model, Renee Thompson has seen the world, walking the runway through the trying fashion industry. Fashion Friends and Influnecers gathered at Toronto’s Brassaii Lounge for the screening of her web series; Reel2Runway‘s Highly anticipated Second Season. We had a chance to preview the first episode, showcasing the daily actions a model takes to get…

  • Myles Sexton’s ‘I Walk For Myles In These Shoes’: EXCLUSIVE!

    Model, Makeup artist and Designer Myles Sexton, is now conquering the online web series world! His web show, I Walk For Myles In These Shoes, gives us a peek at what happens behind the scenes in fashion before the photograph. The first episode is set to air in July and if you adore the grittiness…

  • MFL Video: Advanced Style! The Trailer

    This is one movie I look forward to. I can speak for myself, and Telly when I say, Fashion becomes more fun and interesting as you get older. Looking back at pictures from my teen years I wonder, ‘Why did I wear that? It didn’t even fit me properly! I look like a crazy hot…