Quick 5 with Recording Artist Zameer

zameer, rock, music, canadian music, take, new albums, new single

He travels all over, but pop/rock recording singer and songwriter Zameer calls Toronto home. He’s on the road now, but he took the time to answer our Quick 5 questions and talk about his addictive single, Take. Seriously, it’s addictive. We’ve had Take playing on repeat for days now.

 If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?

Giza, Egypt. King Tut was so dope. How many kings do you know are crowned at 14, die at 18, and are still touring the world in 2016? King Tut does. His real sarcophagus tours museums worldwide.

When it comes to Netflix, What have you been binging on?

Madame Secretary, Air Disasters, Lost, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, and Scandal

 Superman or Batman? and Why?

Batman. I prefer heroes who bend the rules to get what they want.

Would you prefer to be smart or happy, and why?

Happy. Ignorance is bliss. We’re on this planet to smile.

As far as your latest release, which track of yours should we have on repeat right now?

Take. For Shizzle. Take. Go check it out at [BELOW] and hit “repeat”

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Website: www.ZameerMusic.com

Twitter: @ZameerMusic

Instagram: @ZameerMusic

Facebook: Zameer Music

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