Michael Phelps For Louis Vuitton
Michael Phelps is a wale; He moves through water better than how he walks on dry land. At the 2012 Summer Olympics London, he walked away with a new title, the most decorated Olympian in history. Before him, the title belonged to the amazing gymnast, Larisa Latynina of Russia. Now that the 2012 Summer Olympics have come to an end (we’re going through withdraws) it’s back to reality, meaning, no more hot male athletes for our viewing pleasure and no more Michael Phelps collecting medals. He’ll be filling his time with modeling gigs!
After years of competing and traveling all over the world, Michael has decided to hang up his Speedos and goggles to pursue other things. Things like, Golf! Although he has retired from swimming, he will not let that lean body of his go to waste. Michael Phelps has joined the elite cast of Louis Vuitton spokesmen and women,(Angelina Jolie, Bono & his wife Ali Hewson, Muhammad Ali & his grandson C.J, and Madonna) to promote the LV brand. We’re not to sure if modeling is Michael Phelps calling, but he’s a good sport for going through with it.
Check out images of Michael Phelps for Louis Vuitton